Multi-Ch./C.I.B. Be My Dog's Zip N Strip / "Zip" (gekört/licensed)


Zip ist unser Herzensbrecher, der jeden Skeptiker überzeugt. Mittlerweile hat er sich zu einem Prachtburschen entwickelt, der die Richter in Europa mit seinem lustigen, offenen Wesen und seinem exzellenten Body und traumhaften Bewegungen überzeugt. Wenn er nicht im Showring steht, macht er den Agilityparcour im A3 erfolgreich unsicher. Deckbedingungen auf Anfrage.


Zip's our heartbreaker and jewel, who captivates even the Crested sceptics. He is grown up and developed really nice. The judges in whole Europe love him for his open mind, excellent body with top angulation and lovely movement. He loves to show and never let us down and is successful in agility small 3. Available on request.





Geburstdatum / DOB: 16.04.2012




Abstammung / Pedigree




Erfolge /  Merits


FCI Champion International Beauty (C.I.B.)

Reserve Winner at Crufts 2015

Reserve Winner and 3rd Place at Crufts 2022 

Classwinner at World Dog Show Clubshow 2015

German Juniorclubwinner 2013 (Club für Exotische Rassehunde e.V., VDH) 
German Juniorchampion VDH (VDHJCH) 

German Juniorchampion Club (CERJCH) 

Swiss Clubwinner 2013 (Schweizer Zwerghundeclub, SKG)

Champion of San Marino
Champion of Moldova
Champion of Cyprus
Champion of Macedonia
Champion of Montenegro

German Champion VDH

German Champion Club

Swiss Beauty Champion
Exote par Excellence

Crufts Qualification 2015

Winner of Karlsruhe

Alps Veteran Winner

Swiss Veteran Beauty Champion

Luxembourg Veteran Beauty Champion

San Marino Veteran Beauty Champion

Swiss Veteran Clubwinner 2021

German Veteran Champion VDH

German Veteran Champion CER

Croatian Veteran Champion

Alpine Veteran Champion

Split Veteran Winner


Started Championchip of Italy, France and Luxembourg...

Starts in Agility Small - 3




Gesundheit / Healthtests

Eye Exam/KCS: Normal/Clear 
Herz/Heart: Keine Geräusche/No murmurs

Sport-Check 12/2016: no remarks

US Exam 2017:  clear
prcd-PRA: NN (Normal/Clear; Optigen)

Degenerative Myelopathie Exon 2 (DM Exon 2): Genotyp N/N (Normal/Clear)

Canine Multiple Systemdegeneration (CMSD):  N/N (Normal/Clear)

rcd3-PRA: Genotyp N/N (Normal/Clear)
PLL: N/N (Normal/Clear)
FOXI3 Hairless Test for breeding license (Institute of Genetics, University of Bern)
Patella Luxation: 0/0 (Grad 0/Clear)




Nachzucht / Offspring


D-Litter Kennel: dei Guardiani Silani (Switzerland)

22.03.1019 (2/2)

After a long birth one red-sable female PP was born dead and a sable male HL died after two days. The firstborn puppies, a black/white markings hairless girl and a red-sable hairless male were strong and developed nice. The male lives in a lovely pethome, the girl stayed at the kennel and is also shown with success (BOB, CACIB wins). 


D-Litter Kennel: from Vikings Castle (Germany)

14.09.2022 (0/2)

Akhino / "Newton"

Akhino Newton Chinese Crested Kennel Westfire Germany Chinese Crested Züchter

Mit "Newton" begann die Leidenschaft für den Chinese Crested Dog. Er ist stetiger Begleiter und Maskottchen auf Ausstellungen und Reisen und hat eine Menge Spaß am Agility.


With our pet "Newton" starts the passion for chinese cresteds. He is always with us as a companion and mascot on shows and journeys and enjoys doing agility.




Geburtsdatum / DOB: 01.03.2010


Abstammung / Pedigree